
Is the EU misunderstood?

Although I usuall agree with techdirt, even like its analysis of the cultural markets, I don't actually understand its bias pro Microsoft.

The newest entry about Microsoft antitrust issues in the EU is a prime example:
After a years long fight concerning antitrust charges in Europe, Microsoft finally gave in and agreed to pay up.
"gave in" is the right expression - gave in, after its appeal got grounded.
So, now the matter is over with, right? No, of course not. EU regulators are back at it, telling Microsoft that the company is probably violating antitrust laws by bundling Microsoft Internet Explorer with Windows
If you get a speeding ticket - does that cover for littering, too? No, of course not. The previous action did not cover browser bundling (contrary to the US action). As a browser competitor complained, this second action covers that different issue.
This seems like an odd issue to bring up now as there is increasing competition in the browser market.
Even if it should be no issue now - the claim was filed for behaviour in the past. Furthermore, there is no decision yet. There is still an investigation going on which may result in a dismissal.

And finally:
It seems to confirm the initial opinion that many had of the original
antitrust lawsuit in the EU against Microsoft. It's more about a simple
dislike for Microsoft than any actual antitrust violation.
A conclusion which is not founded in the facts presented above...

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